After being dropped of by Kerry and saying good bye to his crew I started to explore Wellington (Te Whanganui-a-Tara or Poneke as the Mauri call ) the capital of New Zealand. The city ranks as one of my favorite city now, it truly got soul and a unique “feel” with some very interesting sights. While I had to deal with snow just the day before, upon my arrival in Wellington the sky cleared up and I was able to walk around in T-shirt and explore the magnificent Botanical Gardens. I also walked all the way from the parliament to the Embassy Theater, where the world premiere of Lord of the Rings was held. At night I attended a CD-launch party of a band called Odessa with fellow backpackers.
9th of October: Te-Papa museum Wellington
With another full day to explore Wellington and not having to rush down to the South Island, I choose to visit the Te-Papa museum (translates to “Our Place), the national museum of New Zealand. It has a wide collection of the history of Maori and white settlers. Debby Rothenberg, one of my fellow travel-companions is a stand up comedian and gave us an insight of her experience while traveling around the Northern Island. Having “a session” with someone dose not necessarily mean to end up in Bed in New Zealand, but if you ever meet Debby herself, just ask her and she will explain it to you!