Camagüey, the third largest city of Cuba is one giant labyrinth, so it’s best to try and avoid to get lost in the city. We got there on a very important national Holiday. 1st of May is, just like in almost every other country on this planet the International Workers‘ Day (Labor day). But in Cuba it’s a little bit bigger than in most of the other nations, one giant celebration for the Cuban revolution, its heroes (Fidel and his entourage) and Socialism. Some might just call it shameless propaganda…
The celebrations took place around the Plaza of the Revolution. Cuban Flags everywhere, people singing “The Internationale”, fiery speeches and – most of the people apathetically marching along to the exclamatory chanting of the presenters on the stage in front of the monument
”Viva Videl” – Viva Raul, Viva la revolution etc. !
After the celebrations where over, all the people disappeared quickly and we were all by ourselves on the giant square . Camagüey also offers a Zoo, but most of its inhabitants (even tigers!) are in a very poor condition paying the entrance fee means you keep those poor animals trapped in their misery.