I had a very interesting chat with my workmate this morning. She recently watched the movie “Super size me”, a documentation by Morgan Spurlock about his Mac Donald’s fast food exclusive diet for 30 days. Of course he got fat and sick. My colleague hated the movie as it did not prove anything to her beside stupidity of US Americans.
Chocolate, steaks, even a tofu diet for thirteen days would also be deemed unhealthy was our joint conclusion. But, contraire to my workmate I do not think Americans are stupid, there is a far more serious problem. It is called responsibility, or to be precise, the lack of it.
Does every single product need an Ad saying how dangerous it can be if it is used or consumed inappropriately? Is there no common sense necessary these days? Or is the lack of common sense just a fast way to get rich and a famous?
I admit, we are constantly seduced by commercials, whispering subconsciously to do this, eat that or buy a certain product. Our lives might be controlled, manipulated and guided by multinational corporations like Nestlé, Coca Cola, Mac Donald’s… But that doesn’t mean that we are released from our responsibility to use our brains and think about consequences when we fulfill our need to “consume”.
Ultimatly we would have the choice, but most of us simply don’t take it. It is far more easier to blame someone else for our own weakness.