The 50th anniversary, that isn’t one

I have written 50 articles for this Blog. Well, actually I count 55 today, but in the early days I used articles that I wrote for and I don’t count them. Initially this blog was planed as collection of funny stories about problems with software and hardware, but once I started writing, I realized: Why not write a bit more, why not just write about everything that is on my mind. Of course I could write a diary that no one else can read, but thats not my cup of tea, I tried it a few times and it never worked for me. To write a blog is much more challenging.

In 20 years from now I hopefully still have this collection of entries and enjoy reading them. Memories fade out and we get a different point of view, but once we start to write thoughts down, we put them in a fridge and keep them the way they where. Our point of view shifts, but its interesting to look back and compare it with memories from the past.