Author: Giovanni Aureel
Big Mac of death
Cigarette packages already have to show a warning lable, now they started to talk about a law that would force manufactures of alcohol (including beer and wine) to ad a warning label as well.
With out a doubt, Nicotine and Alcohol are big killers, but so is colesterol, why not have an ad on every product that has colesterol in it – and why we are at it – I’ve heard about quite a few cases where too much water caused the death of someone…
I wonder how many products will feature warning labels in the future! Maybe they instead should start teaching common sense at shool
Lets hug it out…
Don’t worry, I am not trying to hug the world, its just a quote from my current favourit -TV show Entourage. But that has nothing to do with this current post.
So, in case you have not noticed – I am currently working on a new design. All the pages below “Do ist Yourself” have been reworked, and you can get an early peek! is one of the revamped ones!
Comments regarding the new design are welcome, just use the “comment” section!
Thank you!
Generation Ipod Zombie
I saw her a couple of days ago on my way home, she was standing close by in the tram. A “dream come true” woman. Tall, long hair, pretty face, blue-grey eyes and the sweetest Mona-Lisa smile on her face. But at the same time she was out of reach, she could have been a million miles away. Two white wires and a few gigabytes of Music kept her in the – I would call it – MP3-Matrix. She was unable (maybe unwilling) to notice the smile that I had put on. I stopped smiling at her after a couple of seconds as I did not want to stare at her, but those few seconds, under normal circumstances, would have been enough to create that special moment, that split second of joint happiness, perhaps even a “Hello, how are you”?. Just a perfect little something on the way home.
But sadly, nowadays an increasing number of human beings turn into Zombies, unable to communicate with others or notice anything going on around them. Blocked away from what is going on by the latest chart hits. Its horrible, even my colleagues at the office wear earplugs during the day, starring at their monitors, taking away the possibility to have a quick small talk every now and then. Silence is golden… but talking has been regarded as one of the greatest achievements of the so called “naked ape”! Why do so many people choose to escape into a “Coldplay-coma”? Is it that the sound of the real world has become unbearable?
I am afraid it will even become worse, not only that people will turn deaf, but also lose their ability to communicate with others without a special purpose, say because they have to work together. Maybe in a couple of years there are special groups to help you to find a way out of the mp3-matrix. A new trend could be born – talking to strangers, smiling at each other, things that used to be common in the 20th century, but vanished in the early 21st century.
Well, if I see that woman again, I might try and wake her up. I wonder if that is as dangerous as approaching a sleepwalking person…
Nymphenburg Castle
Funny how things change, and still stay the same…
Today I saw a movie again, after a very long time, and the the final quote got me – again, just like a couple of years ago.
… I wondered how some people could be such a necessary part of one’s life one day, and simply vanish the next. Isn’t it supposed to last? …
… But I’m not unhappy; I don’t think any of us are. We got what we needed out of it. It’s kind of like going on a vacation – you plan everything out but one day you make a wrong turn or take a detour, and you end up in some crazy place you can never find on the map, doing something you never thought you’d do. .. Maybe you feel a little lost while it’s happening. But, later, you realize it was the best part of the whole trip…
Having a good time in Oslo
Greetings from Oslo
Sue you tomorrow!
Yesterday I saw the show „The Awful Truth” by Michael Moore. The show is hosted by the director and is about his crusade to expose wrongdoing by the high and mighty. It was amusing and horrifying at the same time to see him walk into the Phillip Morris headquarters with a bunch of “smoker victims”, all dressed up as Santa Claus and singing Christmas carols. All of those – hopefully former – smokers had their vocal cords removed and therefore had to use an electro larynx, a vibrating device that acts as a sound source when it is held against the neck, producing an artificial, mechanical sound.
The smokers (of course) blame Phillip Morris and other big cigarette manufactures for misleading them and making them believe that there are no lethal side effects in smoking. In the show, an old commercial with Johnny Roventini (Johnny the Bellboy ) was featured, who mentioned that scientists had proven that Phillip Morris cigarettes are not harmful in any way. Well, time as passed by, and nowadays everyone is made aware that smoking is unhealthy and BAD. Still, people enjoy smoking, even if scientifically proven that it can kill them.
So what are the cancer victims of the future are going to do? They have been told from the very beginning that smoking is bad. No more lies… There has to be someone to blame, taking responsibility for your own actions is not the right answer. But who are you going to sue? If anyone has a good answer to that question, please let me know because then I can start smoking too and make sure I have a multi-million dollar settlement whenI retire.
But maybe by the time the young smokers of today realize that they got lunge-cancer and those Ads in the year 2006 where right, scientist have also proven that cell phones are indeed unhealthy and dangerous, can cause brain damage and make you a wimp in bed. So then Michael Moore (still alive because he dose not smoke or has a cell phone) can walk into the office of Nokia around Christmas time and sing Ho Ho Ho…