A tribute to Solbeam!

Well, today I want to recommend website, a diary kept by a very inspirational person, which I have visited for many years. If you have a few minutes, go to www.solbeam.com, its defenitly worth your time.

Espacially I want to recommend her recent article (9th April 2005) about religion, it is called “walking with Jesus and Buddha”.

I think it reflects in a certain way my opinion about religion, which I try to put in a simple line:

Religion is what you make of it.

United States of Sadness

Since September 11, 2001 and the horrific attacks on that day, a lot of things have changed in the United States. I’m not talking about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that followed the tragic events, but the many little things that have changed too. Fear and suspicion has occupied the minds of ordinary people, but also of the leaders and powers to be in the United States and it is showing its effects.

When my cousin recently flew to the United States, her headshot and fingerprints where taken, a result of tighten security measures. Nothing wrong with that, apparently when the United States announced their plans to tighten airport security, Brazil did the same and started to take fingerprints and headshots, which left many US citizens who arrived in Brazil quite puzzled on why the local government would do something like that… But of course, nowadays, everyone is a suspect, even a tourist from Texas who arrives in Sao Paolo and who wants nothing else but catching a tan.

But back to my cousin – when her headshot was taken, she was not allowed to smile on the picture. Hello?! I can only assume that smiling on a picture that is taken to protect the United States from evil wrongdoers is something very dangerous. A smile must indeed be a weapon of mass destruction!

Since September 11, 2001, there is nothing to laugh about in the United States anymore some might assume. I remember my first trip to the United States in 1999, when my cousin and I flew home from Chicago. We filmed at the airport and the Check-in lady would even pose for us and have a big smile on her face. I still have that footage and I will keep it as a great reminder of happy and fearless days in the land of the free. I might show it to my kids one day, when everyone who arrives in the United States will be held in an immigration zone for a couple of hours to be interrogated and marked with an transmitter before being allowed to enter the country.

Protection and taking precautions necessary, but does it mean everyone is a suspect, and no one can expect a warm welcome to the United States anymore?

Red lipstick and a perfect smile…

A while ago (maybe two months or so) I wrote about the upcoming blog entry # 100. It took me some time to finally get there… But this is indeed Blog entry Number 100! Today I’m finally in the mood to sit down, relax, drink some coffee and type a few lines.

First of all, for those of you who frequently read my Blog – thanks for all the nice & (sometimes) nasty emails! I really appreciate feedback, even the one with bad language.

So what is up with the title of this Blog? “Red lipstick and a perfect smile…”
Around Valentines Day I read an interesting article about Emma Forrest, writer of the book Namedroppers, on CNN. The article was a little insight on her thoughts about Valentines Day and men. What did catch my attention was the picture of her, to be precise, her perfect, dark red lips! I have not found an equivalent to those perfect lips yet.

So Emma Forrest, if you ever stumble across this Blog and read it, I consider your lips the most perfect one I’ve ever laid my eyes on and this Blog entry is a tribute to that. And you and your publisher might be happy to know that I actually bought one of your books and enjoyed reading it! The reason I’m not publishing the picture with those fantastic lips on my Blog (and I would love to do so…) is that I simply do not own the rights to it and don’t want to get into any copyright troubles.

That’s all I’m going to write today! But at last I do have a simple task for all readers of this entry: Take a look outside and if it is sunny, shut down your computer and get some fresh air! That’s what I’m going to do right now, sit in the park, and enjoy the small and simple things that make life wonderfull.

Thank you!

I am catholic, and I was named after John XXIII, but I was born in Dezember 1978, and John Paul II had been the only pope I actually knew. Today he passed away, and despite many things I disagree with my church , John paul II always made me THINK and many times, when I saw him talking, he was inspiring for me and I do want to thank him for that tonight.

Evolution – Revoked!

The very south of the United States, a palce where there is always something worth blogging about… But I’m pretty sure that people in this specific area are indeed not all the same.

CNN, Thursday, March 24, 2005 Posted: 0502 GMT
IMAX theaters in several Southern (US) cities have decided not to show a film on volcanoes out of concern that its references to evolution might offend those with fundamental religious beliefs.

First of all, if you consider yourself a fundamental religious person, you might stop reading right her, for the rest of you, please proceed!

Adam and Eve where the first humans to walk on this wonderful planet… No Evolution, everything we see, smell and feel was created by God in six days. End of discussion? I think everyone should have the right to believe what he or she wants to believe in. As long as they are fine with what I believe in. And I don’t believe the Adam and Eve theory. I do believe that there is a God, that there is an evil force, a “life” after death and something that I would call a godly plan.

But I do not think of them as an old men with a white beard and a red colored, fallen angel with horns and that I will be sitting on a cloud playing a harp after death. I will not explain what I believe in, but I can definitely say that I do not believe in someone else’s imagination who lived in ancient times . We know so much today, and it is still little that we actually do understand. Nature and the Evolution IS godly, at least for me. Just look around you. And yes, if you see or read something about Evolution, don’t feel offended, others might be interested in it and still believe in God.

Tale of a scratch

a mark made by scratching:Her legs were covered in scratches and bruises after her walk through the forest.There was a scratch on the CD.Amazingly, he survived the accident without a scratch (= without suffering any injuries at all).

2[S] when people or animals scratch themselves:That dog is having a good scratch. It must have fleas.
(This is the official definition of the verb scratch, according to the Cambridge dictionary.)

My definition: A lot of trouble, especially if it appears on my back.

A scratch can be a “wonderful” reminder of a passionate night, but seen by someone who was not responsible for that scratch, it can also mean a lot of trouble, a very angry look, suspicious questioning and accusation of cheating.

I’ve have had re-appearing, mysterious scratches on my back for some time now. And trough all this time, I would not have a clue where they came from. Alien abduction? Raped by a beautiful woman while unconscious, some kind of voodoo magic? I even searched my sheets for needles, but still, no satisfying answer.

Finally I was able to solve that mystery. For all those guys where dumped because of unexplainable scratches the answer is simply: It’s the mighty electricity! Specifically, the one that is produced when you wear certain fabrics. I discovered that, when I pull of a shirt, sometimes enough electricity is produced to actually cause a scratch on my back.

Important notice: This explanation is not to be used as an excuse if you actually did cheat on your girlfriend or wife!

Silence is gold… is that so?

Two days ago I was sitting on the tram in the early morning hours on the way to work. A casual thing I’ve done many times before. But that morning was different. Out of the sudden, about five or six Austrian schoolboy, maybe 10 or 12 years old, showed up and surrounded two foreign boys, who where sitting close to me. One of the Austrian boys started yelling at the two foreigners for being refugees in Austria, using the worst language I’ve ever heard from a boy at such a young age. He would not only insult the boy, but also the entire family.

This would go for about two or three minutes, getting worse every time that boy would open his mouth, until to a point, where I had to get up, walk to the Austrian boy and ask him if there was a problem with those two kids. I must have taken him by surprise, because he wouldn’t even respond. I continued to ask him if they had ever done anything to him, to which he would also (SURPRISE) not respond. While I had the (very rare for me) urge to just punch him in the face, I left him with the words, “leave them alone” and walked back to my seat. Fortunately he would not continue his hate triads for the time I was on the tram.

But the most shocking aspect for me is that I wasn’t the only grown up on the tram, there where about five to six other adults who could have gotten up from their seats and could have stopped that boy.

We are all so busy with our lives that we completely forget that sometimes, someone might need our help. To remain silent and ignore ongoing injustice is flat out wrong. Incidence like the one I witnessed two days ago happen around the world day in and day out. I don’t think it is necessary to try and handle a gun fight, but sometimes we do have the power and the obligation to protect those who need our help.Be a snowflake and become part of an avalanche to make the world a better place!

Ingredients for a revenge

What do you need?
Ex boyfriend
His new flame (only if available)
Pasta with meat sauce
Secret ingredient (read below)

Important notice: I changed a few names for obvious reasons!

When a relationship ends, most of us are mourning for a while, but sooner or later, life goes on and we find a way back to our daily routines. A very good friend, Isabelle, is usually just like that. About two years ago, when she was studying in the United States, she fell in love with a guy, whom I will call Jake. They had a wonderful romance, but ultimately, he dumped her because he was of a different cultural background and did not want to raise a family with her (that’s his version). The break up wasn’t very nice, but Isabelle carried on with her life. Still, there would always be a little bit of anger, deep inside her. A secret urge for revenge. Well, recently, an opportunity for payback turned up, and Isabelle was sure she would take it.

Many times, the one who breaks up is determined to secure a certain level of friendship. Maybe to make themselves not look too cruel after all. Jake, the ex-boyfriend and “ra*ist piece of s****” as Isabelle likes to call him, makes no exception. So when he decided to visit Europe with his new girlfriend (again, not his own cultural background) earlier this year, he thought it would be a nice idea to stop by his old flame and say hello. Time had passed by, wounds heal and bad words are forgotten he probably assumed. Boy, he was so wrong! Isabelle agreed after some thinking, but, you might have guessed it, it wasn’t because she is such a generous and forgiving person.

The three of them did a sight seeing tour in a city in Germany, and when it came to dinner Isabelle offered to prepare an Italian specialty… Pasta with meat sauce… Well, you see, she did serve them pasta with meat sauce, but the meat wasn’t bought at a butcher shop. For the main ingredient, Isabelle went to a supermarket, to be precise to the cat food shelves…

I wonder if she will ever tell him why he liked that sauce so much, or that she only became a vegetarian for that specific evening. Or that it was more expensive to buy enough cat food to prepare the dinner then it would have cost to buy the meat at the butcher shop.

Revenge can be bitter sweet, but sometimes, it just smells like ordinary cat food.